24 Scenemakers: Season 8 Episode 17
Annie Wersching appears in this “Scenemakers” behind the scenes video clip for episode 17. And unfortunately, it’s her last ever appearance. RIP Renee Walker 🙁
Milan Cheylov: Welcome back to the set, you’ve just watched episode 17. I had the great good fortune of directing the show, my name is Milan Cheylov. This is the unfortunate death of Renee Walker. She’s been shot by a sniper, there’s been a brief oasis of happiness and hope in Jack’s life, but we all know that must end for our story to push forward. The writers and I felt that it’d be a much more, and Kiefer of course weighed in too, that it would be a much more dramatic way to reveal her death if we didn’t see her get hit by a bullet, but discovered with Jack that she had indeed been struck.
Kiefer Sutherland: The real tragic element is within this episode, Renee and Jack become romantically linked together and actually get to enjoy their company instead of having to deal with all of the stuff they have over these past two seasons. And she gets shot, and Jack’s bringing her to the hospital and trying to save her.
Annie Wersching: It’s so bittersweet with you finally getting to see them together and finally getting to see them both happy. And then instantly it’s just taken away which is so heartbreaking.
Kiefer Sutherland: You don’t expect her to not make it. And we worked very hard to play that.
Annie Wersching: He got her here as quickly as he possibly could, and they try to do as much as they can, but obviously there’s been too much blood loss… My eyes were closed for the takes, but I could feel Kiefer and Jack right here. I just can’t even imagine how it’s gonna look. Heartbreaking.
Kiefer Sutherland: They’re the great kinda dramatic moments that we yearn to play. And Annie was just amazing through this whole sequence. And a lot of the sequence kinda goes against anybody ever believing that this was going to happen.
Milan Cheylov: We just finished shooting that scene in which Kiefer once again proved that he’s one of the finest actors in the planet. He’s just absolutely brilliant in the scene.
Annie Wersching: Gosh, I mean this has been the most unbelievable journey. I knew that Renee was going to be dying, but something about when I actually found out it was gonna be in 17, when I actually read it and all that stuff, I was so sad. And not necessarily for me leaving the show or any of that, but I’m so sad for her, ya know? So sad that she doesn’t get to be happy.
Milan Cheylov: It’s a very emotional day for all of us here, not just because of the characters death but we have enjoyed so much for the past few years working with Annie Wersching. Who again is not just a brilliant actress, but a beautiful, generous, sweet-spirited gal. And we’re gonna miss working with her as well as the work that she’s done for us, very very much. So once again, thank you for watching another action-packed adventure and I look forward to seeing you next week after episode 18 of 24.