Heidi Glaus, KSDK: Annie Wersching not only starred in 24, but many other television shows and countless movies as well. But this week, she’s back in her hometown doing something positive for the community. And look who’s here…
Mike Rush Hey Heidi!
Heidi Glaus: Hi, Mike!
Mike Rush You’ve got a good story for us?
Heidi Glaus: I do! Annie gets back to town three or four times a year. But this time she’s back for something very close to her heart.
Heidi Glaus: Google Annie Wersching and more than 400,000 stories pop up in less than a second. Sit down with the start of 24 and you’ll learn a few other interesting facts. For example, she can play the tin whistle.
Annie Wersching: I can still play a couple songs. I can even play it with my nose. It’s a really hidden talent that you probably didn’t know about.
Heidi Glaus: It’s doubtful that’s what got this St. Louisan her role opposite Kiefer Sutherland – a gig that is definitely the top of her most memorable list.
Annie Wersching: Obviously 24 was the big blowout, awesome, amazing role and show to be on. But you know, General Hospital was a big one for me because it was the first time that I was on TV really regularly and people back her in St. Louis, my mom, could watch it. But Renee Walker on 24 was pretty cool.
Heidi Glaus: Even cooler however is what the actress is doing off-screen. You see, Annie lost her dad in 1989.
Annie Wersching: I was mostly with my mom forever. She just was a strong, strong – she dealt with a lot of stuff, she maintained so much humor and joy. Just a good person.
Heidi Glaus: Her mom passed away a little over a year ago. So when someone from her parents alma matter, SEMO, approached her about starting a scholarship in their name…
Annie Wersching: It’ll be the Frank and Sandy Wersching scholarship at Southeast Missouri State.
Heidi Glaus: There was no way she was saying no.
Annie Wersching: I’m here by myself now, without my mom or my dad, so anything to sort of honor them and keep things going, I was all for it.
Heidi Glaus: Which is why she’s back in her hometown, doing a little fundraising before she steps into her next role.
Annie Wersching: I’m actually directly from here going to join the cast of Dallas which I’m pretty excited about!
Heidi Glaus: So you can find all sorts of stories about Annie Wersching online – many referring to her hotness. But it’s the St. Louisan’s heart that is the most beautiful thing about her.
Annie Wersching: Every year a St. Louis youth that otherwise might not be able to go to college can apply for the scholarship and hopefully go.
Heidi Glaus: Now you can meet Annie this Friday night at a fundraising event. Tickets are $75 it’s the home of Mary Strauss. She is an incredible, incredible person. For more information just go to the hot topics section on KSDK.com. [To Mike] And I know you’re excited about this, because you’re a big fan of Dallas.
Mike Rush Right. The old Dallas back when I was growing up and the new Dallas, she’s going to be on the new Dallas.
Heidi Glaus: Exactly. And I’m a big fan of the new Dallas as well.
Mike Rush You know what that means? You know what that means? She’s going to get thrown in the pool or shot. She’s got to. To be an official cast member, you have to be thrown in the pool.
Heidi Glaus: I hope not. She’s already died once on 24.
Mike Rush: Well it doesn’t mean she has to die. It could be a wedding. Every time there’s a wedding at Ewing ranch, someone gets thrown in the pool.
Heidi Glaus: You’re right it could be a dream sequence.
Mike Rush: Right, right. This is way too much Dallas. People are like, “what? come on already” (laughs).